Packaging sustainably in the Vintage Kontor
The topic of packaging in online retail is becoming increasingly important with increasing frequency.
Right from the start we asked ourselves how the topic of sustainable, used vintage treasures could be reconciled with the topic of packaging and shipping. Difficult.
So far this year alone, many billions of packages have been sent worldwide. With the increasing importance of online trading, the number continues to rise. Once these boxes are torn open, they usually immediately end up in the trash. That has to stop!

That's why we relied on used boxes right from the start. On the one hand for reasons of environmental protection, on the other hand for practical reasons, because our products are very diverse in size and weight, so you simply have to be flexible and have different box sizes in stock. A small network of cardboard donors was quickly found. Starting from companies who diligently stacked boxes for us, to some seniors from the neighborhood who regularly brought us lovingly folded packing paper - and usually stopped for a chat. Wonderful!
In order to further publicize the issue of used packaging and to spread the good message “reuse, reduce, recycle”, we will soon be joining you www.repacket.de registered.
And so you have long been able to find us as a drop-off point for used shipping packaging using the free repacket app. Check it out!
Another cooperation is now completely new, namely with the initiative sendmepack . This is also about recycling cardboard boxes. Sendmepack has its own packaging system with its own, very sturdy boxes, which you can buy there for reasonable prices. These boxes can be dropped off by the recipients at the listed stations as in a closed-circuit system. And we are with ours Shop in churches now one of them!

Since its founding, the great team at sendmepack has done everything it can to rethink the logistics and packaging industry, break old patterns and thereby demonstrably save tons of packaging waste, relieve the burden on recycling systems and protect the environment. sendmepacks are not just shipping boxes. They are a statement. For online shops and everyone who wants to do better. We'd love to be there!
And finally, I would like to introduce our green shredder friend: The bright green packaging cushioning machine from cushionpack makes the finest cushioning material from cardboard boxes that are left over, too soft or broken and therefore not suitable for re-shipping. And we think that this type of filling material has absolutely proven itself. There is simply nothing better. The filling material can be stuffed nice and tightly. This means you can use a well-packed box containing an expensive flower vase as a projectile without anything happening to the vase.

And here are our tips again in brief:
And another little life hack for every company or even for you at home:
We actively notify senders of unwanted brochures or catalogs. How often magazines come in the mail twice or three times, that always annoys me. With a short email you can actively do something for the environment and save a tree by removing yourself from your address file.
Come visit us in our store!
Where: Hauptstrasse 17, 57548 Kirchen
And feel free to bring boxes with you 😊
Another sentence about the costs: Of course, we save money because we don't have to buy boxes. But in the end it's more work, because it's not just a click in the online shop at the packaging retailer. And more storage space is also needed because the boxes are stored until they are used. But we want to contribute to making the world a little cleaner. Anyone can do that on a small scale.
Greetings from churches,
Your team from Vintage Kontor
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